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Wire Mesh Locker (Storage Lockers)

  FROM Original Date:2007-12-09 Author :wiremesh

Wire Mesh Lockers: Storage Lockers

We supply wire mesh lockers made of welded wire mesh panels and accessories. Wire mesh storage lockers have robust construction and find wide application for storing of clothes and other articles in sites such as construction, mining, quarrying, etc.

Wire Mesh Locker
Good ventilation with mesh opening;
High visual security due to the wire mesh structure;
Easy for installation and placement as the lockers can be nested side by side or back to back;
Easy cleaning.

Wire Mesh Lockers can be supplied with or without doors.

Panel Materials for Lockers:


Welded wire mesh as common wire mesh locker panels allows for added security by spot welding wires at every intersection which gives extra strength to cut-outs without allowing fabric tears.


We can build custom size with regards to your special configuration, such as triple tier, suspended lockers, etc.


We have two major kinds: Single Tier Locker and Double Tier Lockers.


Shall be electric welded mesh 2"x 2" x 1/8" (10g .135 wire) (50mm x 50mm x 3.2 mm wire) framed by 1 1/4"x 1 1/4"x 12g (.105)


Then fitted with swing doors or without doors.

For more information about wire mesh lockers, go to www.wiremesh.net

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